My parents were part of the wave of boat people who left Vietnam towards the late 1970s, and they both ended up in Australia, where they met in a migrant hostel in East Hills. In the beginning, they mostly relied on charities whilst they learnt English and then later...
In Vietnam, Mum was making four nuggets of gold a day as a butcher and Dad was making seven nuggets as a tailor. We had three servants; one to cook, one to clean and one to look after my brother and I. But when they know that you have a three-story, flashy house and...
My tummy was never once full in our whole life until two years after we came to Australia. Our family was from the poorest place in Vietnam that you could find, and when I was growing up, most of our food consisted of stuff collected from the side of the road, if you...
(Part 4 of 4) Pam and Harry – PAM Most of the people who work for us are teenagers. I give them all a chance. People say they have to have experience, but I say if you don’t give them experience, how can they get it? I always encourage them, and if they pass...
(Part 3 of 4) Pam and Harry – HARRY I was nearly 10 when the Vietnam war started. We saw dead people every day and we had to move around every day to stay safe. 8 years later, after the war finished, my family were no longer able to stay because of our Chinese...