Klaus’ story is just one of the great migration stories in the latest version of the New Humans of Australia coffee table books. Special price for packs of all three books – the perfect Christmas gifts. www.newhumansofaustralia.org/shop

We had expectations of Canberra being a pretty city by a lake, but when we were taken to Civic in the centre of town, there was nothing much there, and we all said, ‘Where is Canberra?’

I was one of 150 German carpenters and joiners chosen to come out to Australia to build houses for AV Jennings, who had a contract to build 1850 houses for public servants in Canberra. When I saw the ad, the money seemed quite good, so I thought I would work the two-year contract, save some money and then return to Germany to start a family.

Our first job was to build prefab houses but later we worked on weatherboard houses. We didn’t speak much English, so for the first few weeks we had a Polish leading hand… More