I went to nine different schools growing up, as my father was travelling back and forth from Australia to India for work. It was so hard to be constantly packing up and leaving, and I had many days when I would cry. Unfortunately, I experienced bullying in both...
Both Imran and I are qualified accountants but for some time we could not get accountancy work, despite applying for many jobs. It didn’t matter that we had good qualifications and several years of experience from Kenya. Everyone said we needed Australian experience....
In the civil war in El Salvador, my parents would often hear gunshots, sirens, and bombs going off all night and see dead bodies on the side of the road the next day. One night, my father had a gun pointed to his head by the military when he walked home after curfew....
We had expectations of Canberra being a pretty city by a lake, but when we were taken to Civic in the centre of town, there was nothing much there, and we all said, ‘Where is Canberra?’ I was one of 150 German carpenters and joiners chosen to come out to Australia to...