I met Rod ten years ago via one of the dating sites, when he was on a round the world tour. After the first time we met, he left his hostel in Manchester and came to stay with me for three days. Rod was so different from anyone else I’d ever met. Like most Aussies, he had a way of being quite happy to be the joker in the pack, but he had a serious side as well. And I could see he was quite happy with who he was. He actually told me he loved me after the second time we met!
Then he went off to Spain, and I didn’t think much more of it. But he called me, and I went all the way to Spain to spend a couple of days with him. Then he went off again. But I met up with him in Barcelona two weeks later, and then again four weeks after that, and then I met up with him in Turkey. Finally, I came over to Australia at Christmas time, for a month, to see how our relationship would progress. Well, it did!
We’re technically married in the UK, and had a ceremony there which my family attended. That was fantastic – the best day of my life. But we’ve never had a ceremony in Australia for Rod’s side of the family, because we’ve always been waiting for it to become legal.
We’re feeling very emotional about this issue because of the fact that we’re still being classed as second rate citizens here, and there’s no reason for that. For example, at the moment, if his family were not on board with our relationship and something happened to him, I could be prevented from seeing him, because I would not automatically be recognised as his next of kin.
I feel like Australia is forward thinking in so many other areas, and we sincerely hope that it catches up with the rest of the world soon, and recognises us as equals.
Arrived 2011
United Kingdom
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#loveislove and it should be treasured
So do we, Aylan, so do we! Hope you and Rod have your marriage recognised soon ????
Sad that other people have so much control over how your life. I am hoping and Praying that things will change for the better and you will be able to be together as a couple, with all the rights that you both deserve. #loveislove.
Hopefully we will catch up soon – Australia is backwards at the moment
We stand with you, Aylan and Rod. The law needs to change. ????
This is such a beautiful story Aylan and highlights the need to have laws to protect us as we age. I hope we Aussies catch up too for your relationship and for my son and my friends.
Love you guys so much. I support you both and the entire LGBTQI community. Come on Australia let’s make marriage equality a reality. Love is Love ????
I wish this vote was over, so people did not have to ask for the right to marry whoever they want to.
So much hurt in Australia right now, yet also so much love. Let’s make love win, for you guys, for all of us.
Beautiful story and very sweet photo ???? Thank-you so much for sharing.
Kel, you messaged me, thank you it was actually a mis-hit! and i was totally unaware!! i had meant to love it. i was unable to reply to you
Awww…. so beautiful .I can’t wait to read the news here again you two love birds and many more can get married here in Australia… #loveislove
What a simple and relatable story for all the opposite-sex couples and single people. It is remarkable that you can even say “technically married” and not cringe… it is like saying technically you have red hair in Australia, but in UK you are brown haired. How much does legal nonsense gets in a way of people’s lives… and it is dictated by other people who have nothing to do with these lovely men. Best of luck for you both, and may this damned ridiculous situation in Australia come to an end very soon!
I hope you get your opportunity to make it legal in Australia ????
Best wishes to you both. Thanks for telling us your story too. Love is love that has no boundaries or borders. Love is love and Australian/s should not have to go through this painful process by way of a survey to decide whether you can marry as 2 adults. But there it is. I answered YES!
Please post the update when this lovely couple finally marries. It will happen – I’m sure of it. #lookingforwardtocongratulatingyou #loveislove
Hoping for the Happy Ending. I am very proud to say I voted Yes
Beautiful photo for a beautiful couple. It’s amazing how Australia is so backward with legalising same sex marriage. I hope your marriage will be recognised here very soon ????????????
We just love that you love each other, our Government is so backward and has no relationship with Australian people. Sad for the world really
One of my lovely gay friends is an American foodie who was working in Australia. We became great mates, then he met an Aussie and they became a couple. Because one was American they were able to go to USA and marry. We had a huge party here when they returned and it was a wonderful celebration with the Aussie’s family enthusiastically participating. Surely this is how it should be!!!
For most of us, the basis for the No Campaign does not make any sense. It does if you are a paranoid bigot.
I cannot wait to celebrate marriage equality, knowing the happiness it will bring not just to those who will have the equal right to marry, but also to their friends and families. It will happen, and it will be wonderful when it does.
❤️ happy you found love. I hope that Australia shows you some love by legalising your marriage.
We voted Yes as should all.
Unfortunately a Yes vote does not mean it will be legalised. Our backward government will not automatically listen to the majority of Australians as they think they know better.
So beautiful! Wishing you a wonderful wedding when it does happen in Australia, because it will. ????????????????
Yes we want equal Australia #equalforall #yesforequality #voteyes