I met Rod ten years ago via one of the dating sites, when he was on a round the world tour. After the first time we met, he left his hostel in Manchester and came to stay with me for three days. Rod was so different from anyone else I’d ever met. Like most Aussies, he had a way of being quite happy to be the joker in the pack, but he had a serious side as well. And I could see he was quite happy with who he was. He actually told me he loved me after the second time we met!

Then he went off to Spain, and I didn’t think much more of it. But he called me, and I went all the way to Spain to spend a couple of days with him. Then he went off again. But I met up with him in Barcelona two weeks later, and then again four weeks after that, and then I met up with him in Turkey. Finally, I came over to Australia at Christmas time, for a month, to see how our relationship would progress. Well, it did!

We’re technically married in the UK, and had a ceremony there which my family attended. That was fantastic – the best day of my life. But we’ve never had a ceremony in Australia for Rod’s side of the family, because we’ve always been waiting for it to become legal.

We’re feeling very emotional about this issue because of the fact that we’re still being classed as second rate citizens here, and there’s no reason for that. For example, at the moment, if his family were not on board with our relationship and something happened to him, I could be prevented from seeing him, because I would not automatically be recognised as his next of kin.

I feel like Australia is forward thinking in so many other areas, and we sincerely hope that it catches up with the rest of the world soon, and recognises us as equals.

Arrived 2011
United Kingdom

#loveislove #voteyes

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